Package com.a2zss.ISO8583

This package contains classes that are part of core ISO-8583 SDK 2.


Interface Summary
ISOBits This class defines ISO-8583 bit field constants the constant names are based on ISO-8583 v1 (1993) so they can be confusing in some cases for v0 (1997) context but the field name prefix Fxxx where xxx is the related ISO-8583 bit number gives a real information what field it is.
ISOConstants Field name and number and other constants
Type This interface defines field types used in ISO8583 messages

Class Summary
Bitmap This class implements a Bitmap an extended ISOField object for use with other ISO classes The application can use this object for ISO meesage creation
CCC This class can be used for CCC cheksum calculation for certain ISO-8583 messages
Config This class is for defining the runtime configuretion of the SDK
Dec4Bit This class can be used for packing integer values to 4 bit decimal numbers and 4bit decimal numbers back to integer values
Encoder Encodes characters to printable range & # ~ things... 0x20...0x7E as is 0x01...0x1F # + x 0x80...0xFF & + x
InputStreamBuffer This class can be used for simulating InputStream for already buffered data that can then parsed by parser as stream data
ISO8583II This class can be used as parser and formatter
ISOField This class creates a ISOField object for use with other ISO 8583 classes in this package The application can use this object for ISO message creation
LLLTTVField Parser and formatter for TLV subfields wich are in format LLL - length (includes the tag length and value length) TT - tag, V - the tag value
LLTTVField Parser and formatter for TLV subfields wich are in format LL - length (includes the tag length and value length) TT - tag, V - the tag value
Message This class can be used to contruct ISO8583 messages or to analyze and acess data in parsed ISO8583 messages.
Request Same as message
Response Same as message
TtLlVField Parser and formatter for TtLlV subfields (for example used in field 55 ICC Related Data)
which are in format Tt - tag (name) 1 or 2 bytes Ll - length 1 or 2 bytes 1 byte if length<128 (value length) V - the tag value
Utils Some Helper methods to SDK
V0V1Map This class defines matrix for version 0 to 1 bit matching/mapping

Exception Summary
CCCException CCCException object is used to handle some invalid CCC cases
ISOException ISOException object is used to handle some ISO8583 protocol error cases

Package com.a2zss.ISO8583 Description

This package contains classes that are part of core ISO-8583 SDK 2.
Release version 2.5 update 3 2010-03-18


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